Thuringia State Premier visits Fibotec
„How in details is digital economy working in small and medium size companies?“ was one of the questions that caused State Premier Ramelow to deal with this trend within the 3rd week of his summer tour. The decision having Fibotec Fiberoptics taken into his schedule is linked with the competence of the company as a development house, and producer of sensing products.
Talking about „Big Data“, „Industry 4.0“ or the „Internet of Things“ then sensors are the beginning of the process chain: It is needed to gain the mass of data first, and interaction of robots with the environment is not possible without sensors. Fibotec Fiberoptics is using electronic, opto-electronic and fiber-optic sensors to build mostly customer-specific sensing solutions. Standard products exist, such as gas and fire detectors (brand-melder-shop.de). The focus in all products, including general sensing, gas- and fire sensing, and fiber-optic sensing, is on custom subsystem in partnership with instrument and system manufacturers.
30.01. - 01.02.2018
dB-meter as an instrument at Photonics West
Fibotec introduces the dB-Meter Instrument as a further stage of the dB-Meter module, a proven device for several years. The module is the preferred solution for online surveillance of insertion loss (IL) and return loss (RL), and for testing transient light change up to 10 kHz data recognition. The new instrument with a fast digital display is a table top device for lab and production use.
The dB-Meter is available as a 1-channel and as a 2-channel version. Optional light sources can be integrated (customer specific), so that IL-testing can be done with this instrument at one or two wavelenghts. Max. input power is 2 mW, the saturation input power is factory set to optimize the dynamic range according to the integrated light source(s). Dynamic range of the dB-Meter is min. 70 dB, 0.01 dB display resolution, and the expected stability of typical custom light sources is < 0.1 dB (@15 min after warm-up). An additional option is an integrated RL-test (2-channel version only, with one light source). An external supply powers the instrument @ < 1 A V DC (11-13 V). The display shows absolute power and loss (zeroing at the front panel). Besides a front panel operation the dB-Meter can be controlled through a serial interface (USB). This enables customers to write software to integrate the dB-Meter in their own environment.
30.01. - 01.02.2018
Photonics West
Meet us at Photonics West, San Francisco, Jan 30th – Feb 1st 2018, booth #4361, North Hall
Read more on official homepage ...
Thuringian growth core for innovative optical fibers
18 companies and 3 research institutions form the regional growth core »Tailored Optical Fibers (TOF)« and receive financial support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for the next three years.
The alliance will now focus on content: SMEs and larger companies will cooperate with research institutions in order to develop a joint technology platform for tailored fibers in new photonic applications. The involved enterprises intend to market the new fibers worldwide subsequent to the project. Potential fields of application are: sophisticated fiber optic metrology in industry and medicine, novel light sources for laser and material processing, or light emitting textiles.
Besides innovative high-tech products, such as high temperature fibers for resource exploration, fiber sensors for keyhole surgery, or smart surfaces for vehicle interiors, the cooperation will develop an efficient network, which will prospectively deliver tailored solutions for individual customer requirements in other market segments. In the long run, this approach will help to increase the companies’ turnover and create new jobs in the region.
31.01. - 02.02.2017
Laserdiode Socketdriver (LSD) at Photonics West
This year at Photonics West Fibotec presents one of the Laser Diode Drivers with socket in an improved version. The socket takes laser devices in butterfly-package. This is a simple solution to operate these devices in a lab. The standard version of the Laserdevice Socketdriver (LSDP) is done for diodes with „pum laser pinout“ and an operating current up to 2 A. The operational parameters of the laser diode or SLD, being plugged by the customer, are set manually, or through a remote interface (USB). The new version has a touch display improving the easiness to use. This display makes it possible to set laser and TEC parameters and read it out during operation. The Laserdevice Socketdriver has been designed in detail for institutes, R&D departments and small test jobs in QA departments, that all work with laser components that should not be soldered permanently.
31.01. - 02.02.2017
Photonics West
Meet us at Photonics West, San Francisco, Jan 31st – Feb 2nd 2017, booth #4373, North Hall
Read more on official homepage ...
Management Buy Out at Fibotec Fiberoptics
During a Management Buy Out at Fibotec Fiberoptics closing end of 2016 core workforce took over the 80%-share of 4industries AG, a 87.8% entity of mic AG. Ronny Wozniza, Managing Director at Fibotec since July 2016, and the 3 very first employees and founders, Dr. Stephan Schiemann, Mario Werner and Dr. Gerald Werner, now are the present shareholders. Ronny Wozniza, for many years Senior Director Production at network systems provider ADVA Optical Networking in Meiningen, and Managing Director at SmartM GmbH in Meiningen, and Dr. Gerald Werner, for many years Managing Director at Fibotec Fiberoptics, own a share with vetoing minority.
Fibotec Fiberoptics GmbH, well known as a specialty-supplier of fiber optic assembly units for test, measurement and sensing, didn´t belong anymore to the core portfolio selection of 4industries, that is concentrating on Industry 4.0 under a Buy and Build Strategy.
The MBO goes along with Fibotec´s focus on a stable, sustained growth of 10-25% p.a.. Embedding both, the brand SmartM and customers of SmartM GmbH (under liquidation proceedings), this is pursued by extending production from small to medium quantity. In addition the shareholders are open for strategic investors who have plans to integrate Fibotec into their own business activities, and so support and enable the management´s growth plans.
2016 - 2015
A strong Team
It’s our pleasure to inform you that all SmartM GmbH activities are integrated within the Fibotec GmbH yet. Fibotec’s managing director Ronny Wozniza says:” It is pretty much clear to merge and work together in the future. Our business fields are complementary in an ideal manner. We are stronger together!” SmartM will be continued as registered trademark embedded in Fobotec GmbH.
Intouch fair
Thank you very much that you visited us at the Intouch fair on 2dn Nov 2016.
We hope you got plenty of new impressions and Information.
High Frequency Analog (Blue) Laser Diode Driver Module
This year Fibotec Fiberoptics presents a new laser diode module that is designed for high speed modulation of OSRAM PL TB450B laser diodes. The 1.6 A drive current can be modulated externally by an analog voltage input up to 80 MHz.
The main application for this product is fluorescence life time measurement.
Fibotec (Meiningen/Germany) is supplier of customized optronic solutions with a focus on fiber optics, widely used in test & measerement and sensing applications. The new product strengthens the competence of the company as a comprehensive supplier of light sources.
Compact Single Frequency 1645 nm laser @10 mW
This year with Photonics West upcoming Fibotec Fiberoptics releases a new fiber coupled laser. The compact package contains a laser operating at 1645 nm.
The laser provides >10 mW cw optical power in a single frequency operation, more than most available DFB laser diodes. The new laser is available with SMF and with PMF pigtail as a component or a module with driver solutions.
Fibotec (Meiningen/Germany) is supplier of customized fiber optical solutions, widely used in test & measerement and sensing applications. The new product strengthens the competence of the company as a comprehensive supplier of light sources.
Awarding of Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis
Germany´s largest research project in building construction C³-Carbon Concrete Composite was awarded the Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis (German sustainability award) in the price-category reserach". The ambitious project with more than 130 partners in research and industry working on development and implementation of the new building material Carbon Concrete succeeded among 87 research project in this category.
The interdisciplinary project C³ – Carbon Concrete Composite is one in total 10 funded projects within »Zwanzig20 – Partnerschaft für Innovation« - a funding initiative of the Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (German Education and Research Ministry). Fibotec Fiberoptics is one of the C³-founder members and cooperation partner in optical measurement, in detail fiber sensing.
Year of Light
In the year 2014 Fibotec Fiberoptics initiated the city of Meiningen to celebrate the International Year of Light by a series of events. The place is hosting a cluster of fiber optic companies. Fibotec actively supported the organization of these events. A sequence of discourses had been prepared, and at the highlight "Meiningen leuchtet" an event for kids and teens had been organized in the evening of Oct 30th. The show experiments that had been supervised by students themselfes attracked a large number of visitors and got a very positive feedback. The Festival of Lights "Meiningen leuchtet" likely will be continued, and a part of the show experiments will be available to schools within the county for educational purpose in the future.
New Product at LASER: Laser Diode Driver
2015 Fibotec introduces two laser diode drivers with integrated sockets for diodes in butterfly package. The standard option is for diodes with "Pump Laser-Pinout" and operating current up to 2 A. The LTBiS is a modular system that is controlled through a serial interface exclusively. The system shown at Photonics West for the first time is not only available as a 19´´ option for max. 10 laser plug-in units, but also as a version for max. 4 plug-ins at the half total width. The LTBiS is a cost efficient, "small" solution for Burn-In and Testing laser diodes, and a lab-driver for laser systems that need an individual control of multiple pump diodes.
At LASER Munich the Socketdriver RMC as a flexible driver solution for single laser diodes has been shown the first time: Besides using the serial interface it is possible to set parameters manually and display it at the front panel. Both, LTBiS and Socketdriver RMC allow the solder-free operation at the integrated socket.
USA Sales
Fibotec Fiberoptics introduced the new modular laser diode driver (LTBiS) at Photonics West (San Francisco, 2015 Feb 10th-12th) and fixed cooperation with Timothy Clark as a West Coast representative in the US. Tim has an excellent technical background and experience both in optical communications and optical test and measurement. In recent years he supported the industry in active sales, and this combination is an ideal combination or Fibotec, extending the US-business in customer specific fiber optical solutions.
The LTBiS is a modular, remote controlled laser diode driver for BF-packaged laser diodes (medium power, up to 2.5 A drive current). A 19 inch housing accepts up to 10 modular plug-in units with sockets used for tucking the laser diodes. Operating conditions can be set and also read out via the serial interface (RS-232).
2014 - 2013
Come and see: Industrie INTouch
On October 29th many companies in South Thuringia will open their doors. Starting at 5 PM it will also be possible to meet Fibotec Fiberoptics in the evening. Fibotec is one of 4 companies of the participating "Fiber Optical Valley" in Meiningen, Herpfer Str. 40.
Sign-in at Industrie INTouch Website starting now - see interesting technical applications and discuss with the employees and the management. We are looking forward to see you then!
Workshop "Faseroptische Sensortechnik" in Mittweida
"DAS - verteilte akustische Sensorik" - this overview talk is Fibotec Fiberoptics´s contribution to the program of a fiber sensing workshop at the Hochschule Mittweida. The two day event, on August 28th-29th, was an excellent information platform for the participating more than 50 specialists.
In a first session 5 leading German experts talked about history of science and industry under the headline "3 Decades of Fiber Sensing in Germany". This also put over many interesting personal experiences and impressions of their lifes. It was followed by reports on recent trends in optical fiber sensing - distributed acoustic sensing is one of the hot topics with huge potential.
Fibotec Fiberoptics develops and manufactures fiber optic subsystems for different suppliers of DAS-systems. The talk about the subject explained the method and applications in general, early developments and the recent progress as it was presented at 2014 conferences by other contributors, such as at OFCNFOEC in San Francisco or ofs-23 in Santander.
Zwanzig20-Initiative Carbon Concrete Composite
At the moment 79 partners will cooperate for the prerequisites needed to replace steel in concrete of new construction buildings by carbon starting at a time in 10 years. The combination of steel and concrete, being the most widely used construction material, is having disadvantages: It consumes to much ressources, is responsible for high CO2-emission and the lifetime is just 40-80 years. Many buildings, such as bridges, become a risk.
Fibotec Fiberoptics is a founding member of the association being the formal setting for this cooperation within the next years and that has been founded in Dresden on Jan, 22nd 2014. Fibotec´s focus in this consortium is the integration of sensing elements that both support the idea of the later "intelligent building structures" and the test methods for new Carbon Concrete structures within the upcoming R&D phase. Fiber optic sensing. as developed and produced by Fibotec, only is part of the needed sensing technology. But it is highly synergetic with the use of Carbon fiber in concrete. Fibotec does the hardware development of interrogators in a group of partners which add their competence in sensor development, sensor and fiber integration, and the scientific background development.
The Federal Ministry for Education and Research is funding the consortium C3 (C-Cube) within the frame program Zwanzig20 with 45 Mio € by the year 2020. Further information can be received at the C3-web site.
Fibotec demonstrates dB-Meter at OFCNFOEC first time
During OFCNFOEC Fibotec demonstrates the new dB-Meter first time to the public. The device measures power stability and power changes across a wide dynamic range (60dB) with high accuracy and high speed. A stabilized 1550nm light source is built in for quick and easy testing of passive components, local fiber loops or fiber sensing setups. Alternatively light of external fiber coupled sources (780-1650nm) can be used.
The power signal is provided both through an analog interface (0-3V) and a serial interface (USB). The measurement value is provided on command („pull“), in predefined fix time intervals („push“) or self-triggered when exceeding a predefined power change. 24/7-monitoring is possible. The integration time can be choosen within 1ms-1min. The dB-Meter is USB powered.
Fibotec Fiberoptics GmbH provides customer specific test, measurement and sensing solutions. The company, being „Partners in Fiberoptics“, also supports contract manufacturing service.
2012 - 2011
Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference
"OTDR Testing Of Short-Length Multimode Optical Fiber" was the titel of an oral contribution at the IEEE Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference September 11th-13th 2012 AVFOP 2012) in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Fibotec presented results when testing up to 1200m 200µm multimode optical fiber with a special version of the company´s Fibolocator. This device is a correlation-OTDR (optical time domain reflectometer) that is offered also in customized versions, here modified to measure links as present in various transport vessels including avionics. A two page paper summarizing results is available for download at IEEE Xplore.
10 years of success
Fibotec Fiberoptics GmbH has developed during 10 years of the existence to a successful niche supplier and supplier of opto-electronic, in particular fiber-optic solutions. 2011 became, after two years under influence of the financial crisis, to a very successful year which has led back on the growth course not only in the turnover, but also in the employee's number. This is not only a success of all employees, but also part of a positive development which would have been impossible without good cooperation of our customers.
Therefore, we are glad to be allowed supporting you further being the Partners in Fiberoptics.
Win with Exhibitions
Drawing a Silver Coin of the hosting country among the visitors of our booth was done for the third time at ofs-21 in Ottawa. Meanwhile one can say that it became a tradition at the North American Market and it is meant as a "Thank You" to all our visitors including the Photonics West and OFCNFOEC. We are looking forward your visits and hope that it will become a win for you in all cases!
Among the two last winners at ofs-21, Dr. Robert Maier and Anton Fischer, we could not contact Mr. Fischer successfully and so far the coin could not yet be sent out.Among the two last winners at ofs-21, Dr. Robert Maier and Anton Fischer, we could not contact Mr. Fischer successfully and so far the coin could not yet be sent out.
2010 - 2009
Correlations-OTDR in routine maintanance of high-speed trains
Fibotec and Yokogawa develope an application-specific Correlation-OTDR for routine-maintanance of German high-speed (ICE-) trains
The custom instrument is the key for solving a task when servicing high-speed ICE-trains in the Hamburg-Eidelstedt site of the Deusche Bahn Fernverkehr AG. Conventional Puls-OTDR cannot be used with the multimode optical fiber that is interrupted by lensed-connectors because of their dead-zone. According to Mr. Reiter, who is in charge of the service-process at the Hamburg-Eidelstedt facility, the time for checking the optical link was reduced to 1/4 from up to 16 hours to 3-4 hours now.
The hardware of the instrument used with the 100µm-core optical fiber had to be modified and an application specific software was created.
Additional information is available in the German publication Hausmagazin No. 18 der Yokogawa Measurement Technologies GmbH.
With the launch of their new website, the recently formed (2010) HybridSens Network, showcases Fibotec as one of its main co-operation partners. Created with the goal of making best use of synergies and available potential, HybridSens aims to bring together developers and users of the sensor technology.
Combining their know-how and expertise in this field, the network partners have decided to meet together the challenges of the rapidly expanding and demanding market of sensor products, which incorporates not only hardware but data capture, analysis and visualisation as well, and speed product developments which will help to open new markets. The main focus lies in industry automation, alternative energy, food industry, medicine and surface technology.